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Monday, December 19, 2011

Heaviness of the Heart

We all go through life's everyday test and trials but try our best to hide our internal feelings from the outside world. Sometimes even from those that care about and love us. I feel that we try to hide our true feelings because we are so concerned about what other people think about us. I know what you are thinking, "I don't care what other people think about me!" But in a way you do. When was the last time you did or something embarrassing happened to you and you didn't want anyone to find out? When was the last time you spent your money on an expensive brand name clothing item, purse, or shoes because you want people to think or feel as if you have money? Or even deciding the type of transportation to get you from point A to point B? I mean as long as you get there, that's all that matters right? So we all do care about what people think about us, we just may not let it get to us as much as others.

I know I hold in my most inner thoughts and feelings because I don't want anyone to think that I am crazy. I have grown up with issues, like many other people, that have a close direct relationship with the decisions I have made in the past as well as today and my past, present, and future actions. Sometimes I find myself looking to talk to someone that is not judgemental and/or that I can find comfort in just laying my head on their shoulder. We as humans are just so quick to judge someone without knowing the meaning behind the actions or the reason for their ways. We are so quick to drop people and disclaim any relationship (friend, family, acquaintances) that we have because someone is crying out for help in his/her actions.

We must look past the actions and look for a reason why these things happen. Then maybe, just maybe, we would not be walking around like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Or feel as if we have no way out other than to take someone's life or even our own. Many times there is pain behind that smile. Those "Just because" text and calls, a simple "Hello, how are you?", I was thinking about you can make a world of difference in someone's day.

I say all of that to say this "Be a blessing to someone else!" You never know what they are going through. Never tell someone to walk a mile in your shoes because your feet may not hurt in those same exact shoes!!!


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Doing Anything To Be Accepted

Every since the untimely death of Robert Champion, a drum major at FAMU, there has been a lot of media attention drawn towards hazing and HBCU band programs.

I hate to hear about death period, doesn't matter justly or unjustly, or anything in between. it's sad that your last breath was taken only to be accepted or to be apart of an organization.

I am a member of organizations that required membership intake processes but they are no different from the intake processes that we see in life. Just think about it, if you haven't then you know some who has gone through it..maybe your own children. "If you want to be my friend, you got to..." "If you want to hang with us, you go got to..." Even in our everyday jobs, we are forced to do things that we don't want to do or feel comfortable doing only to keep that job in order to get a paycheck.

Now some of you may argue that it is different but is it really? How many of us suffer from stress, sickness, illnesses due to life itself? Working dead end jobs to make ends meet? Being unhappy on the job only because you have to in order provide for you and/or a family? Even that person that is in that abusive relationship is being hazed in some shape, form, or fashion. We may not call all of these incidents hazing but they all have the same concept.

What are your thoughts?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Welcome to my Blog

I want to start by first saying thank you for coming here. You could be looking at a million other blogs but you stopped by here on the way. I just wanted to tell you thank you! Have fun and enjoy the ride!!!